Monday, January 4, 2021

New Year, Actual Focus

 So, firstly this is really an extension of my twitter account (@Under_The_Eagle) - this is really a way of focusing my attention on what I want to do!

So confession first - I am very much a hobby butterfly. Very much. If I see a bunch of nice models, or a good rules set, then I'm likely to try and get into it. It takes a lot to keep me entertained, but it takes very little to get me interested.

So this year I'm going to focus on three main areas:

1) 10mm World War II for Chain of Command.
2) 3mm Napoleonics for Et Sans Résultat
3) WWI warships, 1:6000 scale for gaming and possible 1:2400 for display/small games for Naval Thunder: Clash of Dreadnoughts

To do this, I'm going to post some musings about these smaller scale miniatures and the wargames, post some painting guides and some AARs. Hopefully, this will help keep me motivated and keep me on the straight and narrow!

So, I plan on updating approximately once or twice a week. Hopefully by this time next year, this will be a bit more of a fleshed out blog - I might have learnt how to make this fancy for a start...

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Painting 3mm Napoleonic Cuirassiers

One of the iconic units of the Napoleonic Wars was the heavy cavalry, armed with swords and protected by metal breastplates- the Cuirassiers...